It's a well known fact that I hate getting chain letters and forwards. Many a time I have gone a little spam-happy when a friend or family member has sent me one too many. However, every once in awhile I will get some that don't cause me to want to fly into a rage of anger, but instead a fit of laughter. I'll share some of these with you since they were just sitting on my computer not doing much else otherwise. They're good for when you're having a bad day and just need a laugh.
                     Answers To An 11 Year Old's Science Exam
                     Fun Things To Do In An Elevator
                     20 Signs That You've Had Too Much Of The 90s
                     Some Amusing Anecdotes
                     Things We Remember From The 80s
                     About The English Language (Caution: Gratuitous use of the f-word)
                     20 Deep Thoughts
                     Dr. Seuss's Lesser Known Books
                     Dr. Seuss Explains Computers
                     10 Signs You're Emailing Too Much
                     BEWARE OF THESE VIRUSES!
                     The Best Things To Live For
                     Reasons To Go To Work Naked
                     Things We Learn From Watching Movies
                     The Difference Between Men And Women
                     How Lies Can Backfire
                     Rules of Ensemble Playing
                     The Foolesh Trombonist
                     The Gay Flight Attendant
                     A Daughter's Letter Home From School
                     What Happens When a Jock Decides to Get Smart
                     For Anyone With a Computer, and a Mother
                     A Cosmic Conspiracy Theory
                     A Woman's Thoughts
                     A Little Rant About Forwards...