Are you a Progeny of the 80s (thanks Jonathan) like me? Then you should recognize most of these things

                     Snap bracelets

                     My Little Ponies

                     Friendship bracelets

                     Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Babysitters Club,  or Sweet Valley High.

                      "Ice Ice Baby"

                     The Hulk

                     New Kids on the Block

                     Star Search.

                     Michael Jackson before he had plastic surgery.

                     T-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt

                     French rolled pants

                     Multiple pairs of socks in the middle of the summer

                     Puff painted your own shirt

                     Cabbage Patch Kids!

                     You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout."

                     "Wax on, Wax off"

                     She-ra;Princess of Power, and He-Man 

                     Barbie and the Rockers

                     Full House and Saved by the Bell

                     Fraggle Rock 

                     "Back to the Future."

                     You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name."

                     "Goonies never say die."

                     Madonna in her cone stage

                     "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince."

                     flourescent-neon clothing...

                     You could breakdance, or wished you could.

                     ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

                     M.C. Hammer.

                    You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air".


                     L.A. Gear, Keds, or Converse tennis shoes

                     You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

                     You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf

                     Gummy Bears,Transformers, You can't do that on Television, Noozles, KIDS Incorperated,
                     Captian Kangroo, Double Dare, Salute Your Shorts, Seventeen, Rainbrow Brite, Punky Brewster

                     Swatch Watch or a Doonie and Burke

                     The "Care Bear stare".

                     Wonder Woman or Superman underoos

                     Building and re-building Lego cities

                     Polly Pockets or Popples

                     Big wheels and bicycles with streamers

                     With your playschool record player you sang back up to Debbie Gibson.

                     "Party like it's 1999" seemed SO far away!!

                     Teddy Rukspin

                     Trapper Keeper?

                     Voltron was not just a bad computer animated rip off

                     Degrassi Junior High

                     My Buddy


                     Pogo Balls
                   **If you can identify with at least half of these, you are a child
                     of the 80's!!