Who He is and why he makes hearts twitterpate: Like I said, there's something about a James Bond that just screams sexy. I don't know if it's the cool, collected manner in which he does the job, the witty remarks, or maybe it's the blue eyes, or the high-class, sophisticated British accent. Whatever it is, melts me like buttah! He may have done only a relatively short stint as 007 (two films, even though he was originally contractually obligated to do 3), Timothy Dalton is (thus far) my favourite of the five who have taken on the job. I think that this is probably because "The Living Daylights" (Dalton's first Bond movie) was the first Bond movie that I ever saw and cared to pay attention to throughout the run-time. It continues to be my favourite Bond movie.  Incidentally, I was reading that Mr. Dalton is actually very glad to have passed the Bond torch on to Pierce Brosnan because he felt that too many people were trying to identify him with the role. He was really getting sick of people assuming that he wanted a vodka martini, shaken, not stirred. Indeed, Dalton has done MANY other works in his carreer. Some parts include the villain in The Rocketeer, Rhett Butler in the mini-series follow up to "Gone With The Wind", Scarlett, Boris Pochenko in the Beautician and the Beast, the ill-fated Caesar in a recent made for tv movie, Cleopatra, and a tough-talking interrogator in The Informant.
RELATED - Pierce Brosnan, Billy Campbell, Cary Elwes

Bond, James Bond. Cool and collected, as always. A British agent never panicks.

This may be back in the day, but I still think he's sexy as hell.

  Cleopatra was a lucky girl...