WELCOME to Andrea's

    Note: To those who aren't in the class, the assignment was to take 10 photos (scanned, downloaded, taken with a digital camera, whatever) and manipulate them with Adobe Photoshop. The purpose of the assignment being to learn how to use Photoshop (go figure).

    Note #2: Some of the photos or people/places/things that are represented/manipulated within the photos are known people/places/products. I am not affiliated with any of them and have not gotten written, oral or otherwise, consent to use them. Keep in mind, I am not getting paid for this, it's for educational purposes only, so in other words; DON'T SUE ME.


1) Flowers
2) Going Hollywood Style
3) I Don't See Dead People . . .
4) Nick and Me
5) Pondering
6) Kermit on Drugs
7) A Plastic Mouse
8) Mushu On His Way To The Emerald City
9) Real Men Don't Dance
10) Winnie the Pooh, Singing at Night

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