Things that

If you're not into this sort of pessimistic drivel, try going to this other list

warning: gratuitous usage of the word "bitch" and its derivatives

there are lots of things in this world that PISS ME OFF! fortunately for you, I'm only going to post a few of them.

television = Barney and some of his rediculous beliefs / the sad sad sad sad SAD fact that I am a DOOL addict / the amount of tv I "have" to watch every week (now I at least sorta have an excuse . . . I'm a film student :)  ) / that Mulder (in all likelihood) won't be back next year / that the Lone Gunmen is on fridays and not sundays now (not that it's a problem, thanx Michele!) / the reception on the tv in my room which seems to have an 'all or nothing' clause somewhere in it's contract.

DOOL = Marlena (useless whiny bitch) / John Black (eyebrow man) / Nicole (bitch and a whore) / Sammy (bitch who should have her sorry ass dumped by Austin so that he and Greta can get together) / Abe and Lexie (on their own, tolerable, but together, an insurmountable force that should be blown away) / Faye (irritant, like sand in your eye) / Jan (bitch) / Jason (bitch) / Mimi (bitch and a crack-ho) / Chloe (singing raging psych hose beast at times, okay at times too, but she gets way too defensive, prone to bitchiness) / Nancy (fat raging psycho hose beast - bitch ALL the time, I don't care if she's "protecting her daughter") / the whole Hope-John's baby that's actually Marlo's baby fiasco (and Marlo was a drunk bitch) / Rolph (questionable accent) / how Shawn's always "blah blah don't use the word 'sweetie', never fall in love, hate that mushy stuff blah blah blah" in front of Belle when it's so obvious that he's like totally in love with her

skills etc. = when I make a mistake trying to program my VCR / when you have to do or explain something that you know really well, but you're having an off day and can't seem to do it right / the accuracy of my typing / trying to draw something that doesn't come out quite right (like that episode of "Malcolm in the Middle" where Hal took time off work to paint his artistic vision) / writer's block (which I seem to be having a lot lately) / lack of an appropriate rhyme when writing poetry / lethologica (when you forget what you were about to say) / that despite my efforts, I can't control the weather / that a cannot control the amount of money people tip at work / the fact that I seem to be becoming more and more dyslexic as time goes by (I don't know if that's possible or if it's just that my attention to detail is growing less and less.... ) / making complicated cocktails at work when it's really busy and I'm running out of juices or liqueres that I need / not knowing if there's an english and american spelling of something, or if it just looks right to me / the fact that my spelling is also geting progresivley werse az tyme goes bi

movies = Morocco / the cost of 1st run movies (depending on the theater) / the cost of everything at the snack bar / audience members who get too involved in the events of the movie and start to cheer etc. (except for big re-released movies such as Star Wars or the Rocky Horror Picture Show, then it's expected, complete with costumes and props) / crappy horror movies that have no plot and are really just loosely disguised pornos / Freddy's Dead (compared to the other 5 Nightmare on Elm Street movies - and not including Wes Craven's New Nightmare - I thought it really sucked)

social/stuff = a very very LARGE percentage of the people with whom I had the utter misfortune and displeasure of sharing classes at Campbell / when you throw something out cause you never use it and a week later, you suddenly need it for some reason / when you think you've lost something and it was really hidden in plain sight / people who ask questions but don't listen to the answers or people in my classes who ask questions that are completely irrelovant to the discussion or make no sense whatsoever / people who insert your name into every sentence when having a discussion ("well, Jonathan*, the thing is...." "for instance, Jonathan*, my wife..." "Jonathan*, are you pulling our legs?" "Jonathan*, I worked in the office of blah blah blah and you cannot be held criminally responsible until you are 18 years old..." it had NOTHING to do with it AND he kept inserting the name of the guy he was talking to) / people who have no friends and try to start up conversations or just make smart assed comments and hope for a witty repartée just so they can keep you talking (ie; a few moments after class was dismissed, a friend and I were discussing our end of semester project, and this buffoon, Dilbert*, came up and said "h-yuck, class is over, you can go home now girls". such things just make me want to pick someone up and throw them down the stairs. fortunately, I am not violent, I would - probably - never resort to that) / people who pay no attention to grammar and syntax (no thanks to my english 100 class, I loved it, but now that I understand what it means to not end a sentence with a preposition, it bothers me when people do

school = boring classes (computer science 100 for example, the most boring and useless class I've ever taken / psych 100 and a prof who treated the class like a 4th year class instead of a 1st year one / tests / midterms and finals that are worth 50% of your mark / getting a bad mark on anything / getting less than 100% on a cs100 test or assignment (which doesn't happen too often, not counting the midterm and final) / the cost of, oh say, EVERYTHING at the university. I'm paying an obscene amount of money just for tuition and if I want to park there without plugging the meter, why should I have to pay a buck fifty for a bottle of coke? it's not as if the coca-cola corporation doesn't have enough money as it is . . .

celebrities = Pamela Lee Anderson and the fact that she's Canadian / Vanna White (useless. she used to at least have to spin the letters, but not now, I mean, God forbid she should do any manual labour that has the slightest chance of making her build up a sweat that could ruin those (I'm sure) obscenely expensive outfits she wears, now all she does is touch the screen. WHY? she's not needed! when the puzzle's solved, the computer just makes the missing letters pop up! she should be thrown out on her ass, either that or they should make it the way it used to be, and she'll spin those damn letters around.

money = taxes (never as much money as you think you have) / having to use interac for a small (ie: $3.99) purchase / ATMs that only allow you to withdraw a minimum of $20. hello?! sometimes a five is all you need! / ATMs that have a rediculously high usage fee ON TOP of only allowing you to extract $20 or more / cheap bastards at work who NEVER tip / when our tip-out is low on a saturday / when bills would come shooting out at me everytime I opened the till cause the piece that holds them down was broken (you'd think I would enjoy the prospect of having money thrown at me, but not in the middle of a busy shift)

computers = computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / in games like tomb raider when you get a feeling in the back of your throat that something is about to jump out at you and decapitate you or you get so jumpy that you accidentally press a wrong key and you do a swan dive off a cliff onto some nice hard rock. the sound of her neck breaking is particularly breathtaking in this situation/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / having to have more than 3 windows open on my desktop. it just gets all cluttered and you can only see one or two at a time, but it's faster than opening and closing them repeatedly, but it's still really annoying / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100/ computer science 100 / computer science 100 / computer science 100

* = names changed to protect the identity of the stupid

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