school = english 100 (I had an awesome teacher) / english 110 (again, I link this to the teacher) / film 200 (it's so much fun!!!) / working in the studio for film 200 / most of the assignments in film 200 are kinda fun (now there's a switch) / the 4 month summer holiday is pretty sweet / HOTTIES - it may sound silly, but there are so many cute guys at U of R! / the fact that you can (usually) arrange it so that your earliest class isn't until like 12:30 / most of the people in my film 200 class. they're all really fun to talk to and easy to get along with, plus they each have unique ideas so that when we're looking at everybody's finished assignments, it's not boring cause it's always differentsocial/stuff = singing really loudly - dancing in my seat while driving around the city / when I can make people bend to my will / making fun of smokers when they're hacking up a lung / correcting people who think they know it all (particularly when it comes to grammar... I get a perverse pleasure out of it, even though my grammar is hardly impeccable) / laughing at people when they get that confused look on their face if I'm humming and whistling at the same time
television = Due South / Quantum Leap / The Simpsons / Whose Line Is It Anyway / Ally McBeal / Boston Public (they so deserve an emmy) / The Smurfs / Law and Order / Special Victims Unit / ER / Will and Grace / the Labbatt's Lite commercials with the 2 guys in polar bear heads / the Molson Canadian, particularly the one with Joe Canada (Yay Jeff Douglas!) and where the guy in the office is making fun of the Canadian, and the classic hockey move
literature = Calvin and Hobbes / Peanuts / Garfield / The Far Side / writing a good story / writing a good rant / any book that you start reading and then you just can't put it down
movies = there's a whole smack of movies out there that I like. if you're DESPERATE to know what they are, you could email me or something / 2nd run movie theatres
music = if there's a lot of movies that I like, the songs that I like are probably about double that / The King's Singers - they're really nice in person (especially Steve - he's hilarious) and they're excellent clinicians / The Barenaked Ladies - live - they put SO much energy out, it's crazy! / my new piano
money = when you get a really good deal at a store and it doesn't fall apart or fly open and cause you to lose an eye or explode in your face or anything / getting money back for dropping a class / busy nights and lots of tips to show for it / NOT having the bills shoot out at me when I open the till cause it's fixed now
other = sunday nights at Michele's place for Lone Gunmen, X-Files and Sex with Sue (which is particularly amusing - all seem to sorta suspend the underlying knowledge that I have school the next day) / flying above the clouds in a plane and-or seeing the sunrise-set (it's so cool!) / drawing a nice picture / seeing a good play / playing in new fallen snow when it's not too cold, and the sky's all overcast, and the snow's sticky enough to make a snowman or snowballs or whatever / visiting relatives / spaghetti / driving real fast through a mud puddle (with the windows closed!) / the people I work with (as long as they're not picking on me - in which case I wish them a long and painful death at the hands of someone who knows what they're doing) / when people get mad at me when playing monopoly cause I have "horse-shoes up my ass" / getting to dance at work when I have free time / going for breakfast at 4-5 in the moring after work