Who He is and why he makes hearts twitterpate:
Jensen Ackles is probably best known for his stint as Eric Brady (Sami's
twin brother) on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Eric was a very nice boy. That's pretty
much it, unless you want to go into detail about how he was in love with
Nicole, but tried to convince himself that he was in love with Greta and
yadda yadda yadda. Unfortunately, just a few weeks ago, Eric decided that
the whole Greta/Nicole thing was too much for him and left Salem. I think
the train incident and the fact that he walked away without a scratch is
pretty rediculous, but I guess I can understand that the writers don't
want to just off him, this way, if they ever want to write him back into
the story, they can.
RELATED - Austin
Awww, he has such a cute,
boyish smile :)
Bit he's pretty damn hot
when he's serious too!!