Who He is and why he makes hearts twitterpate:
Austin Peck can be seen everyday as the lovable Austin Reed on DAYS OF
OUR LIVES. He's probably one of the most moralistic characters on the show.
Besides his good looks, Austin isn't into mind games and doing things solely
for his own personal gain, which is rare in a soap opera. He's very caring,
even to those who don't deserve it, which just adds to his drool-worthiness.
Oh, and now that Greta's free from Eric, and since Sami's running around
Europe with Brandon, I think that Austin should dump Sami's sorry ass and
that he and Greta should get together. Don't you think so? :)
RELATED - Jensen Ackles
Austin knows that Milk
does a body good... He's living proof.
Awww, How can you NOT love
him? Dogs can sense cuteness you know.