The X-Files
And X-Files related quotes
"I was merely extending a professional
"Oh, so THAT's what you were extending."
Mulder and Scully
"Are you saying this place is haunted?
Cause if you are, I think you've been working with me for too long." Mulder
"There's something up there Mulder!"
"Oh, I've been saying that for years."
Mulder and Scully (who else?)
"Okay, it's not the finely detailed
insanity you've come to expect from me; it's just a theory." Mulder
"I can't take you anywhere!" Scully
to Mulder
"Just because you're paranoid, that
doesn't mean they're out to get you." Mulder
"I half expected Yoda to come over
and bap Mulder on the head...'Time to rest not Jedi Mulder! *BAP* Truth
to find you must! *BAP*" Barney O'Borg
"It's okay . . . My ass broke my fall."
"The Reader's Digest version of X-Files:
Blah blah blah, conspiracy, blah blah blah, Scully's ova." Jason D. Fedorchuk
"You must be slipping Mulder, I can
beat you with 1 hand."
"Is that how you beat yourself? ...
[Krycek raises his gun] ... If those are my last words, I can do better."
Rat-boy and Mulder
"Mulder, TOADS just fell from the sky!"
"Guess their parachutes didn't open."
Scully and Mulder
"Skinner-marinkey-dinkey-doo." David
"I do not *gaze* at Scully." Mulder
"Tell Scully I've been working out.
I'm buff!" Frohike
"Woman, get back here and make me a
sandwich! Did I not make myself clear?" Mulder to Scully
"Life is like a box of chocolates;
A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that no one ever asks for." Cancerman
"You know, with that long blond hair,
you'll be the 1st one in here that gets traded for cigarettes. I'm gonna
be laughing my ass off." Frohike to Langly
"Siskel or Ebert?" Mulder to Scully
upon finding a thumb
"Dear Diary, today my heart leapt when
Agent Scully suggested Spontaneous Human Combustion." Mulder
"He's alright. He could use a little
more seasoning and some wardrobe advice..." Mulder re: Krycek
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