Just a little rant about womanhood. My father called it "incoherent".
My mother said otherwise.
I Am Woman, Hear Me . . .
Okay, first off, I'm not particularly what you'd call a feminist.
I like to think of myself more as a realist. I don't get terribly offended
when someone calls me a member of the weaker sex because in general - physically
at least - we ARE. Let's face facts. Men are born to have more body strength
than we are. However that doesn't necessarily mean that I should automatically
be dismissed for certain jobs or tasks that I COULD do, just cause there's
a man around to do it. As for a gentleman opening doors for me I admit
that it's nice and, if the gesture is expressed by the RIGHT gentleman,
it can give you a bit of a rush. But I'm not an invalid so don't go trying
to knock me down just to get to the door so you can open it for me.