Quotes From Unknown Sources
"Base 8 is really just like base 10...
if you're missing two fingers."
"Everyone pair up in groups of three
and line up in a circle!"
"Baseball is wrong. A man with four
balls CAN'T walk!"
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...
Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but if the doctor's cute, screw the fruit!"
"If I wanted your opinion, I would
give you the proper forms to fill out."
"Willy Nilly -- [adj.] Impotent."
"If 'quitters never win', and 'winners
never quit', what fool came up with 'quit while you're ahead'?"
"Veni, Vedi, Visa; I came, I saw, I
"You never really learn to swear
until you learn to drive."
"Clones are people two."
"If you can't be kind, at least have
the decency to be vague."
"Last night, I played a blank tape
at full blast. The mime next door went nuts."
"What's the speed of dark?"
"Lawyers are disbarred, and clergymen
defrocked, therefore it follows that electricians should be delighted,
musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked
and dry cleaners depressed."
"Confucius say; Man who eat many prunes,
sit on toilet many moons." Confucius? :)
"Trust in God, but lock your car."
"When you're having a bad day, and
it seems like someone's trying to piss you off, remember it takes 42 muscles
to frown, and only 4 to bitch slap that motherf&^%(* upside the head."
"I can't decide if life is trying to
pass me by or run me over."
"My Karma ran over my Dogma." bumper
"MY kid sold drugs to (beat up/ knocked
up) your honor student." bumper sticker
"How can they call this 'Miss Universe'?
No other planets are being represented here!" unknown"
Fag-nificent!" unknown
"Been there, fucked that, living with
the guilt." unknown
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