There's a saying out there that as people, we're basically a collection of the different traits of everyone we meet (makes me wonder what the very first people had to draw on... larvae?). These traits could be good and bad, I will try to just concentrate on the good parts. So this is for the people who have contributed good things to my life. So basically, this isn't just my webpage, it's yours too. If there's anyone out there that I forgot, I'm soooo incredibly sorry. It's nothing personal. But hey if you're a good friend of mine, chances are, you already know that my memory sucks. Love y'all in your own special way. :)
First off, Christine. You get first billing cause I'm basically
ripping off your "thanks" page. Just keep in mind that imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery. Not to mention that you're too creative for
your own good at times, share and grow. :)
Second, Kathryn. My bestest friend. You've had an interesting life
to say the least. We can fight like no one's business, but through it all,
we're still best friends. Wasaa, waa. :)
You're always there when I want to go for coffee, to watch a movie, to
go to the mall, to piss and moan about men, and a good shoulder to cry
on. Don't ever change. And don't worry. Be happy. When things get scary,
just stay in your purple circle.
You're too damn smart sometimes. I'm sure you'll do great things in your
life. Share the wealth. Make the world a better place.
Like Christine, you're too creative. One of the most musical people I've
encountered. You'll probably make a name for yourself in the music biz.
When you get there, just remember the little people. Don't ever change.
Good things come in small packages. We never talk enough. You're
another of those creative/musical ones, and the first of our little clique
to get married. Congratulations! I know you and the tall one will have
many happy years together.
I've only known you a short while, but in that time, you've become a good
friend. I love being able to argue about sports and movies with you, and
you're a good coffee buddy. I can talk to you about anything. One of the
few I know who'd want to go to the zoo, or let me drag you to the bar.
That takes courage. :)
Considering how little of my writing you've seen, you seem to have confidence
in it. Thank you so much. It's the type of encouragement I need. You're
another great coffee buddy and always interesting to talk to. And as an
actor, Christian Bale'd better watch his back! :)
Imagine, had we never had that first aid class last year, we probably would
have never become friends :) I'm glad we did. You'll make a great teacher
some day. You're a good friend and confidante, and I wish you and Jeff
nothing but happiness.
We never hang out enough, you're always busy, but you're a great friend.
You listen to me whine, but you never complain - to my face at least.
You always speak your mind and I admire that. You're not afraid of how
others will react, but you do have a thing called tact. We have to go bar-hopping
together this summer.
What can I say about you Kim. You're a good breakfast friend. If I never
say it, thanks for always giving me a ride home after work. And all my
little "friends" could kick your little Nancy-girl's ass anyday ;)
As beautiful as any woman could be. I hate you you for it. :) I love the
way you speak your mind and your fashion sense, and your hair is always
fabulous. I hope some day we can run around through the mall with the security
guards on our tails again.
You're the first friend I had at the bar. I love your sense of humour.
Cynicism is the wave of the future! Without you, I wouldn't be what I am
today... meaning, just some sketchy bitch who's terrible at pool! Someday
we'll get that money and make those rennovations to the bar. Where are
we going? HIGHER!
It's kinda funny, how we're the minority, aren't we? I love your comics,
I love your witty sense of humour, and I will be ever so greatful when,
one day, you blow certain cities of the world off the map for me.
You have changed my entire outlook on X-Files and The Lone Gunmen. Sunday
is no longer a day to dread because of the underlying knowledge that it's
the end of the weekend and there's school the next day. You understand
my obsession with Due South by way of a similar obsession. Rat-boy rules!
You're a great DJ, and another one who always speaks his mind. Near-far.
Ribbit. I was saying Booerns. Smelly Chivalry and No-Fault Insurance. When
the world's got you down in the gutter, haul your ass back outta there
cause you're crushing me! :)
I'm only too happy to lend you my couch and an ear upon which to unleash
your worries or give you a ride home Sunday nights. You're a great hair-stylist
and dance partner (even though I couldn't be lead by the dancingest dancer
in the world on the dancingest day of my life). One day, we must tango
together again :)
You are another one of those people who is too creative/smart for their
own good, IE: friendly badgers etc. It's a good thing you're one of the
good guys (or at least, that's what you'd have us believe). Whenever I
need help with my webpage (or CS100) I know who to ask :)
Love 'em or hate 'em, they're underappreciated in our society. Without
them, we'd be in a truly sad state. I've been fortunate to have had many
good teachers over the course of my scholastic carreer.
Finally, my entire arsenal of close relatives (Parents, Aunts, Uncles,
Cousins and Grandparents). You're all mean, you're all cranky, you all
make jokes at each others expense, and you would shoot down what little
sense of self a person has at the drop of a hat. But that's okay, cause
I know I do it too. Our blood is thicker than water, and clogging up a
tiny little artery, like some old, sticky chocolate syrup.
Oh, and last but not least, Jeebus.