Simpsons Quotes
"Now, whose calculator can tell me
what 7x8 is?"
"Oooh! Oooh! Low Battery?" Edna K.
and Milhouse
"all right, you're over stimulated.
Now let's get some beer into you then it's straight to bed.
"Whoo hoo! Beer, Beer, Beer! Bed, Bed,
Bed!" Marge and Homer
"If anyone asks, Marge, you need 24
hour nursing care, Lisa's a clergyman, Maggie's seven people and Bart was
wounded in Vietnam." Homer
"Capitol idea! Let's blow this fascist
popsicle stand!" Mr. Burns
"Take her down Smithers!"
"Uhh... you're flying the plane sir."
"Excellent." Mr. Burns and Smithers
"Does this make me look fat?"
"No, it makes you look like a tool
of government oppression."
"But not fat?" Homer and Lisa
"Oh, sorry Bart... I didn't realize
that you, Jay Leno and a monkey were in here bathing a clown."
"Well they are, so make with the loofah
or get OUT!" Homer and Krusty
"Mom, am I dumb?"
"Honey, I'd like to reassure you, but
right now, mommy needs a tetanus shot..." Bart and Marge
"Smithers... [sniff, sniff] Do you
think maybe the... power plant killed those ducks?"
"No 'maybe' about it sir..."
"[Sniff]... excellent." Mr. Burns and
"Oh sure. If it's one of MY plans,
you can't foil it fast enough, but if it's one of CECIL'S plans, then it's
'hopeless, utterly HOPEless'!" Side-Show Bob to Lisa Simpson
"Marge, we're going out! If we don't
come back, avenge our deaths!"
"Okay!" Homer and Marge.
"Pull Willy!"
"I'm doin' all the pullin' ya blouse
wearin' poodle walker!" Principal Skinner and Groundskeeper Willy
"Lisa likes Nelson!" (class)
"No she doesn't!" (Milhouse)
"Milhouse likes Lisa!" (class)
"No he doesn't!" (Janie)
"Janie likes Milhouse!" (class)
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Japan.
The local time is: Tomorrow." Airplane pilot on the Simpsons
"We saved your ass in World War 2!"
"Well we saved YOUR ass in World War
3." Moe and Hugh
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