Random Celebrities/Characters/People
Note: They're here because I didn't have enough quotes from them to
bother with an entire page for them
"Ich bin ein berliner. [I am a jelly
donut.]" JFK
"I'm out of it for a little while and
everyone starts having delusions of grandeur!" Han Solo
"Awesome... Awe-some... I LIKE that
word!" Nigel Short (King's Singers)
"I think I just 'ad an apostrophe!"
"I think you mean an epiphany..." Smee
and Captain Hook
"That's the Louvre... I'll take you
there someday." James Jolicoeur (after having been there all day)
"You'd think [rock stars] would know
how to throw up... They date models!" Kate (Drew Carey)
"Time's fun when you're having flies!"
Kermit T. Frog
"I don't mean to be the materialistic
weasel of the group but... do you think we'll get hazard pay outta this?"
Rockhound (Armageddon)
"It must be a comfort to know that
if the space program goes under, you'll always have a job at Helga's House
of Pain..." Rockhound
"This place is like Dr. Seuss' worst
nightmare!" Rockhound
"You ever heard of Evil Knievel?"
"No, I've never seen Star Wars."
A.J. and Lev
"What's the blunt force instrument
of the day?" Lenny Briscoe
"Psssht. Doctors. I can't believe my
mother wanted me to marry one." Abby Carmichael
"You know what the secret to fishing
"[WHUMP]... I fell..."
"Less falling." The Labatt's lite polar
"We're going to the theater to see
Mac Beth. Personally, I think she likes the guys in tights." Sam Wheat
"We're back with the Emmy awards! All
the laughs and the tears and the length of a telethon, only we're not helping
anyone." David Hyde Pierce (host of 1999 Emmys)
"I now pronounce you drunk and disorderly.
You may now kiss... my ass." Lewis (Drew Carey Show)
On a Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding
"Warning: Product will be hot after heating."
On a Korean Kitchen Knife "Warning:
Keep out of children."
On a Swedish Chain saw "Warning: Do
not attempt to stop chain with hands or genitals."
thongs don't make a tights." Colin Mochrie
"Cross country skiing is kinda like
downhill, with the fun removed." Red Green
(While getting a tattoo of a gemini
award) "I won't tell you where I put my Juno [award]!" Mr. Dressup
"And the Jedi I admire the most, met
up with Darth Maul, now he's toast. And I'm still here but he's a ghost..."
Weird Al (the Saga Begins)
"If you tell him [that we tricked him],
I will spank you. I will spank you like a bad bad donkey!" Pepe
"You put the FISH in Superficial!"
John Cage (on Ally McBeal, not the composer :) )
"'USA Today' has come out with a new
survey: Apparently, 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population." David
"Look Mom, it's Superman!"
"No son, it's just a low-flying vampire."
Lana G.
"It's a dog-eat-dog world out there,
and I'm wearing milk-bone underwear." Norm (Cheers)
"Oh, you never see a vampire with a
full grown beard, yet a vampire can't see its reflection. So no facial
hair is unbelievably weird, cause you'd think shaving'd be out of the question."
Red Green
On a ski lift in Taos N.M. "No jumping
from ski lift. Survivors will be prosecuted."
"Lemme ask you a question, do you have
a reach-out-and-SMACK-someone program?" Greg Montgomery
"Curtis! I had a nightmare last night!
I was talking to you on the phone about Full House for some reason,
next thing I know, the whole TANNER family was in my kitchen!!!" Moi
"You know Ned and Ted's excellent adventure?"
"... NED and Ted?...?!" Cara and me.
"... That's still not as far as I had
to walk..."
"Yeah yeah, I've heard it before...
20 miles, barefoot in snow up to your waist, uphill both ways." Mom and
"You fell like smish water... ... ?"
"... Find out why that little latin
boy in drag is crying..."
"Little latin boy in drag... Why are
you crying?" Vida Boheme and Noxeema Jackson (To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything,
Julie Newmar)
"Not on your young QUEER life. You
and your causes!" Noxeema
"I do not do the bus. You obviously
have me mistaken for miss Rosa Parks." Noxeema
"Internal Combustion: The Ultimate
Accessory." Vida
"When a gay man has far too much fashion
sense for one gender, he IS... a drag queen." Noxeema
"I think maybe he's prejudiced..."
"... I bet you were the brightest in
your class, weren't you?" Chi Chi Rodriguez and Noxeema
"What's that?"
"It's a bathing suit silly!"
"I thought it was an eye patch!" Quinn,
Angelica and Frank (6 days, 7 nights)
"I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I'm
having a bit of a problem."
"What problem?"
"Some sort of creature has just swum
up my pants!" Quinn and Robyn
"No! You wouldn't [kill them]. [Peacocks]
are magnificent creatures!"
"And I hear they taste just like chicken!"
Robyn and Quinn
"I'm sorry."
"For kissing me?"
"No... for this... [PUSH]
Quinn and Robyn
"I thought that's what women wanted...
a guy who's not afraid to cry, in touch with his feminine side..."
"Not when they're being chased by pirates,
then they like em mean, and ARMED!" Quinn and Robyn
"How can I eat? I'm scum! I'm garbage!
This experience has tested me and revealed no traces of character whatsoever!"
"Father, please forgive me for I have
sinned! I've been bad, VERY BAD!" Frank
"Oh boy..." Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap)
"Why are you supposed to put your head
between your knees in a plane crash? Cause it makes it easier to kiss your
butt good bye!" (Sam said something like that once, but I don't remember
exactly what it was.
"Your mother was afraid of cats!" Al
Calavicci to a german shepherd
"Hey, I'm not into necrophelia."
"Finally, something sexual he's NOT
into." Al Calavicci and Sam Beckett
"Right [the duck and cover method]
teaches them that ducking under a picnic blanket does wonders against atom
bombs." Sam Beckett to Al Calavicci
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