UPDATE!!!: Recently, Nick was actually here in Regina filming a movie called "Shot in the Face" with some friends of his. I happen to be lucky enough to have very considerate friends (this means you Jason and Whitney!). It just happened that Jason is going to be in the same movie as Nick and didn't even know it until the pre-shooting party, where he and Whitney were introduced to Nick. Being a good friend, Jason got me an autograph, and also managed to get me on the set a couple days later. It took more than one try, but I finally got to meet Nick, talk to him, and even watch him work - which was great for two reasons: 1) I got to meet him! and 2) being a film student, watching the whole process was great experience for me! I knew that putting a movie together takes a long time, but I had no idea it took THAT much time. I had so much fun! The scene I witnessed being filmed will probably be about 10 minutes or so by the time the editing is finished but Michele and I were there for 6 HOURS and they still weren't finished by the time we left. Nick is very nice in person and in fact, if it weren't for him, I might not have been able to get on the set that third day. A bit of a perfectionist, he's easy to talk to, serious about his work, realistic and intelligent. Although I did mention to him that I was pretty upset that Krycek was offed in the season 8's last episode, if Krycek hadn't died, chances are I wouldn't have gotten to meet the man behind the rat who really isn't a rat at all. So Nick, wherever you are, Thanks for letting me get an insider's view of the business, and, you never know - I might be hoping to hire you some day :)
Who He is and why
he makes hearts twitterpate: For those girls out there who love a bad-ass,
you won't find a more reliable rat-boy. Nick is probably best known for
his recurring stints on the X-Files (from season 2 through 8) as Alex Krycek.
With him, you really never know whose pocket he's in, if anybody's. One
minute you think he's honestly trying to help, next thing he's taking orders
from Cancer Man, next thing, he's throwing Cancer Man down the stairs.
Sometimes you really do want to reach into the screen and slap him around
for some of the things he's done to Mulder, but still, he's just so cute.
:) (Oh, btw, although I said he's probably best known as Krycek, I do realize
the irony in the fact that the pictures here are NOT X-Files related.)
On a side note, for those of you who saw "The Vertical Limit", you might
also recognize Nick as Tom McLaren, one of the unfourtunate souls who died
on the mountain.
Here we are, on the set of "Shot in the Face". Reproduction of this picture
in whole or in part is forbidden without expressed written or oral permission
from one ME. And Nick, on the off chance that you don't want this picture on the net,
you're just gonna have to contact me :) at lynnyn@hotmail.com
Why oh why couldn't he
bring ME roses? :) (J/K!!)
Trust me his eyes are JUST
as intense (if not more) IRL.