Okay, I don't necessarily believe everything I said in this short essay, I just felt like ranting about all the game-shows/"reality"-shows that we have nowadays.

$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY GRUBBERS ALL? $$$$$$$$$$

     Let's face it, GREED is omnipresent in today's society. If you were to ask the question "WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?," how many people do you know of who would answer "No"? But the fact is that most people don't want to get their money the old fashioned way, that is, work hard for it over many years.  Most people don't have the patience and would rather BRAINSTORM some $50,000 PYRAMID scheme by age TWENTY ONE. Some would like inheriting a BIG BROTHER's riches and will start a FAMILY FEUD over the fortune. Others would rather just WIN BEN STEIN'S MONEY.

     If that isn't enough, if they believe it'll be faster than clawing their way up the corporate ladder, they will put their lives in JEOPARDY and do the craziest things. Admit it. You'd do some pretty risky things on a DOUBLE DARE, if the PRICE IS RIGHT.  Some of the particularly lazy ones decide they are the type of person WHO WANTS TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE, but if you ask me, with so many marriages starting with prenuptial agreements these days, it's a useless endeavor.  Naturally, there are always the ones who buy lottery tickets, hoping that the WHEEL OF FORTUNE will turn in their direction.

     So LET'S MAKE A DEAL. We continue to be SURVIVORs of the trials and tribulations of University. With some hard work and CONCENTRATION, we can make it through and get well paying jobs. If the opportunity knocks for some get rich quick scheme comes up, we will turn our backs, hold our heads high and say "No. I'm a hard worker. I will earn the money, not sell out and I'm proud of that." . . .
    . . . Don't MAKE ME LAUGH. I'll take that money and run, and so will you.