
NEWEST will be CLOSEST to the TOP!!!

Kathryn's Page - My best friend since I was born. She's just as crazy (if not more) than I am...

Jenin's Joint - It's a work in progress...

Jonathan's Page - Jonathan has finally got some stuff on his page, including some pictures and a beginning to his work on UTOPIA!!!

Home of the Goddess - Home Of The Goddess, aka Casa Del Spooky, land of
insanity, etc. contains info about Goddess Michele (It is all about me!*L*), Poetry by Michele and Others, Famous and Infamous Quotes, and of course, plenty o' stories, mostly slash, mostly X-Files, but I'm not proud, I'll archive anything.  Also vaguely
informative if you are into the whole drag queen thing!

Christine's page. It's ALWAYS new.

Liza's page: The epitome of craziness.

Dad's page. Nuff said.

Check out Audrey's awesome page.

A page that's SURE to put a smile on you face (Sound must be ON)

Need a piano tuned? Try this page

Kathryn's page for her Grandmother

Want some animated Gifs for your page? Try this page.

Curious about University of Regina?

Like to travel? Want to go on a tour? Want to LEAD a tour? Check out EF's site.

Do you like 3D puzzles?

Are you a DUE SOUTH fan? This site has a listing of almost any DUE SOUTH site you can think of!

Do you often have dreams? Would you like some insight as to what the dream might be telling you? Go to this site.

Care to travel Britain from the comfort of your own home?

Do you need help or do you know someone who does? The Kids Help Site could be what you need. (It's like the Kids Help Phone, Online.)

Trying to find someone in Canada? If you know their first name, last name and the area they're in, Canada 411 can probably find their address for you.
