Who He is and why he makes hearts twitterpate:
Alright, I admit it. For a long time, I watched Melrose Place. Finally
one day during the second last season I decided to stop. Unfortunately,
one day during the last season, I happened to be channel surfing and came
upon it. I would have kept going if it weren't for this gorgeous creature
you can see here, John Haymes Newton. I can't remember what was going on,
but he had his shirt off and I decided to start watching the damn show
again. John was also in the movie "Alive" as "Tin-tin" one of the
quieter members of the stranded team members from Uruguay. He also did
a stint as the infamous Clark Kent in the series "Superboy". Thanks to
Melyssa for the pictures!
He may have stubble, but it's
the sexy kind, not the gross kind. :)
I looove his eyes!