Who He is and why he makes hearts twitterpate: James Marsden was seen on the first season of Party of Five as Griffin, and was also seen in Second Noah as Ricky, a typical boy next door type (from what I heard. Sorry, I never saw the show). It's been said that it was THAT role which launched him into "Boy most wanted" status. However, it should be pointed out that although James often plays teenagers in movies (he was quoted as saying "If I have to go to my 'senior prom' again...") he's hardly a boy as he was born in 1973. Most recently, he was seen in this summer's blockbuster hit, "X-MEN" in the role of the cool, collected, lazer beams for eyes, Scott Summers, AKA; Cyclops. Oh, if ANYONE out there happens to have a pic of him as Brav from that episode of "Outer Limits" (I think it was called "Rite of Passage"), I'd love it if you'd send me a copy :) Thanx!
<Shudder> You just
GOTTA love those blue eyes. Too bad you don't see them at all in "X-MEN".
Instead, you just see this big red flash!
I don't care if he's
a mutant... I'd do him... j/k :)