Who He is and why He makes hearts twitterpate:
for one, he's one of the original bad-asses-turned-softy-but-still-tough,
who else but Han Solo of the Star Wars trilogy! You can't help smiling
when he's either annoying Leia or yelling at C3PO not to tell him the odds.
And of course, brains are quite sexy too, and so the tomb-savvy Dr. Jones
is right up there in the ranks too. But here's a question... Han Solo and
Indiana Jones are surrounded by Storm Troopers and Nazis (I know, they're
the same) and they have to save the Holy Grail and the Millenium Falcon,
but only ONE of them can make it. Who comes out of it alive? You be the
judge. He's also been in such films as Regarding Henry, Working Girl, American
Graffiti, The Fugitive and a plethora of others.
RELATED - David Duchovny
He can protect me from storm
troopers any day!
What a lucky puppy!