Benton looking spiffy as ever (Except his Sam Browne Belt is over the wrong shoulder! NOTE: Upon reflection, I think the belt is supposed to go over the left shoulder if you are a RIGHTY, so that the revolver is at your right hip. So I guess that technically, it's right, if I'm correct in assuming that. However, it's still incorrect for Paul Gross because he is right handed.)
Paul Gross. (I like this picture, it brings out the colour in his eyes :) )
Benton, motionless, on duty while Ray poses as some tourists take pictures.
(The belt is wrong again, but they made some mistakes like that at
first. If we want to get really technical,
he's not wearing his lanyard either, and a stetson doesn't normally
have that little medallion on it - I think.). I hear
that they got into a bit of trouble over the oversights in the uniform
during the pilot episode (that's where the pic is from)
but afterward, I guess they had someone to educate them on the proper
dress of a mountie.
The daring duo. (Yes! The uniform's right!)
A happy David Marciano.