Jon Mossing = can I wear a skirt [for the band concert], I wore one last yearMr. G = that's when you yell 'THANK YOU!', throw your sticks in the audience, and light yourself on fire
Mr. P. = past tense of Cheeze Whiz? ... Cheeze Whuz
Dave Durance = [asked 'do you speak french?'] oui oui, je t'aime beaucoup, je pense que vous êtes très belle, voulez-vous m'épouser? [yes, I think you are very pretty, will you marry me?] it's the world's best pick-up line!
Julian Macdonald = New Mexico . . . not really new, not really Mexico
Mr. G. and Nigel Taylor [why do they call Greg 'circus bear'?] well, look at him!
Mr. W. = it makes no difference how much we plan [getting on stage] we ALWAYS get it wrong! / careful! those mics are worth more than you are!
Matt Field = are you kidding? cold? this [California weather] is like NAKED weather to us!
uncertain = [Mr. Wilkinson - the choir director] made his own son get his mom write a note to excuse him from missing choir! . . . he made his own son get out of the car at a red light to grab an empty can on the street [to recycle it for the music program]