People From Campbell Quotes
"Can I wear a skirt [for the band concert]?
I wore one last year." Jon Mossing
"That's when you yell 'THANK YOU!',
throw your sticks in the audience, and light yourself on fire." Mr. G.
"Do you speak french?"
"Oui oui, je t'aime beaucoup, je pense
que vous êtes très belle, voulez-vous m'épouser? [yes,
I love you a lot, I think you're very pretty, will you marry me?] It's
the world's best pick-up line!" Dave Durance
"Past tense of Cheeze Whiz?... Cheeze
Whuz." - Mr. P
"New Mexico... not really new, not
really Mexico!" Julian Macdonald
"Why do they call [Greg] 'Circus Bear'?"
"Well look at him!" Mr. G. and Nigel
"It makes no difference how much we
plan [getting on stage], we always get it wrong!" Mr. W.
"They did a hand-bone solo, LIVE AT
"Are you kidding? Cold? This [California
weather] is like NAKED weather to us!" Matt Field
"What's our [U of R] sports team? The
Rams or something?"
"Yeah... we're like a disgruntled goat."
Christine and me.
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