People From Campbell Quotes

  • "Can I wear a skirt [for the band concert]? I wore one last year." Jon Mossing
  • "That's when you yell 'THANK YOU!', throw your sticks in the audience, and light yourself on fire." Mr. G.
  • "Do you speak french?"
  • "Oui oui, je t'aime beaucoup, je pense que vous êtes très belle, voulez-vous m'épouser? [yes, I love you a lot, I think you're very pretty, will you marry me?] It's the world's best pick-up line!" Dave Durance
  • "Past tense of Cheeze Whiz?... Cheeze Whuz." - Mr. P
  • "New Mexico... not really new, not really Mexico!" Julian Macdonald
  • "Why do they call [Greg] 'Circus Bear'?"
  • "Well look at him!" Mr. G. and Nigel Taylor
  • "It makes no difference how much we plan [getting on stage], we always get it wrong!" Mr. W.
  • "They did a hand-bone solo, LIVE AT THE HOLLYWOOD BOWL!" Liza McLellan
  • "Are you kidding? Cold? This [California weather] is like NAKED weather to us!" Matt Field
  • "What's our [U of R] sports team? The Rams or something?"
  • "Yeah... we're like a disgruntled goat." Christine and me.

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